Spring Harrison

"Heya! My name is Spring! I hope you enjoy this little thingy my sister, Winter is making. Should be a little web...web...webby site to tell you a bit of who I am! Where I'm from and such. Um... Enjoy! I hope she doesn't put anything embarassing..." - SpringBelow is links to Twitter, A Google Drive folder for all of Spring's References, the heart returning to The Archive, the Globe icon takes you to Spring's FC, and an arrow to the next screen detailing her story. I hope you like ♥

In the beginning, Spring was raised by her mother, mostly. Spring's father, like her sister's, wasn't around much. So Spring was left with her mother, she wasn't the best, nor was she the worst at raising a child. Needless to say Spring was neglected most of her life and that she desired to be away from her mother the first chance she got. That chance came when Spring enlisted with the Garlean Empire.

Needless to say, Spring wanted to be what her mother was not. Someone caring, kind, loving, she dedicated her life to it, even when in the Garlean Empire. Trained and worked to be a Medic within the ranks. Earning the title of Medicus Veteranus or Veteran Field Medic. Changing her name to Spring Kir Harrison. Spring was present on the battle of Carteneau, tending to wounded Garlean Troops. After the disaster of Carteneau, Spring was under the XIIth Legion having retaken Doma from the rebellion.

Spring, was in the XIIth Legion, and war took on a heavy toll for her. Seeing death and suffering everywhere she went. It was tenfold when witnessing the actions of the XIIth Legion's Commander, Zenos yae Galvus upon others. Spring couldn't handle it any longer, but she wasn't strong enough to battle him, nor was others in the same mind as her about him. Thus, she fled, a defector, a traitor.

But, being a Miqo'te had it's advantages. Especially one that was kind, heals, and wasn't wearing a Garlean uniform. Fleeing with Doman refugees, she finds her way to Eorzea. A new land, a new life. Although nightmares of her past continue to haunt her, she finds new dreams to achieve, new memories to cherish, and the discovery of her step-sisters, Winter, Summer, and Autumn.

Spring now currently works in a Tavern as a waitress and sometimes a cook, but mostly when the Tavern is closed. Spring heals those that need it, regardless if they are her friend, or foe.

Spring Harrison
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Race: Miqo'te Sun Seeker
Eye Color (Both): Emerald Green
Hair Color (Primary): Light Orange(?)
Hair Color (Highlights): Plum Purple
Height: 6ft
Bust: DD
Occupation: Waitress/Healer
The Globe takes you to Spring's FC website.
The Heart returns you to The Archive.